Water Craft Rentals

Canoes, Kayaks, Pedalboats, and Stand-up Paddleboards are of no charge to registered guests.
All watercraft rentals subject to state sales tax of 7.875%

Hidden Haven Resort 2025 Watercraft Rentals
19' Forester PontoonWeekly - $775
40 hp motor, livewell, depthfinderDaily -$150- 8 hours
Partial Day - $100 - 4 hours
20' Weeres PontoonWeekly - $775
40 hp motor, livewell, depth finderDaily -$150- 8 hours
Partial Day - $100 - 4 hours
20' Smokercraft PontoonWeekly - $775
40 hp motor, livewell, depth finderDaily -$150- 8 hours
Partial Day - $100 - 4 hours
20' Misty Harbor PontoonWeekly - $775
40 hp motor, livewell, depth finderDaily -$150- 8 hours
Partial Day - $100 - 4 hours
16.5' Lund Rebel Fishing BoatWeekly - $475
40 hp electric start tiller motorDaily -$100 - 8 hours
Depth finder, livewell, 3 seats,Partial Day - $75 - 4 hours
bow mount electric trolling motor
16.5' Smokercraft Fishing BoatWeekly - $475
30 hp electric start tiller motorDaily -$100 - 8 hours
Depth finder, livewell, 3 seats,Partial Day - $75 - 4 hours
bow mount electric trolling motor
14' Lund Fishing BoatWeekly - $275
10 hp tiller motorDaily -$50 - 8 hours
Depth finder, 2 padded seats

All watercraft rentals subject to state sales tax of 7.875%
All watercraft rental rates include fuel.

Please Note

Dock Space
1 Dock space is included with cabin rental. Additional dock spaces are $5/day per space, subject to availability.

No charge to registered guests
Boat Launch, Canoe, Kayaks, Pedalboats, Stand-up Paddleboards

All watercraft rentals
Subject to state sales tax of 6.875%

All watercraft rental rates include fuel.

Personal Watercraft

Sorry, we do not allow personal:
Watercraft such as jet skis, seadoos, or wave runners at the resort.